Mater Dei Africa Staff


MDAStaff 720Mater Dei Africa Staff & Consultants


Executive Director

Fr. Mansuetus Setonga

Mater Dei Africa was formed as a result of reflection by its founder, Fr. Mansuetus Setonga, while pursuing his Ph.D. in Economic Development at the University of Iowa in the U.S.A.

Prior to his doctoral studies, Fr. Setonga spent fifteen years as the General Secretary/Chancellor and Director of Development for the Diocese of Same, implementing and managing hundreds of innovative poverty alleviation programs to assist the many and diverse people of Northeastern Tanzania, including women and men, Pare and Maasai, Catholic, Muslim, and traditional religions.

After completing his studies in the U.S., Fr. Setonga returned to Tanzania and incorporated Mater Dei Africa in early 2014 as a charitable organization to continue purusing his lifelong vision of prosperity for all people.

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Director, Health Department

Mr. Norbert S. Mchomvu

Right from the beginning of Mater Dei Africa, Dr. Mchomvu played a pivotal role in ensuring basic administrative documents for managing Mater Dei Africa are in place. As a Medical Doctor with years of experience in Management of Development Projects, Dr. Mchomvu joined Fr. Setonga in 2014 in realizing the Vision of Mater Dei Africa.

After completion of his studies as a Medical Doctor in Tanzania he briefly worked as a civil servant and later as a teacher for Clinical Officers for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. In 1990 he joined the Catholic Diocese of Same Tanzania where he managed the Health Department. In 1995 he pursued a post graduate training in Preventive health care and management at the Royal Tropical Institute The Netherlands. Between 1996 and 2015 he worked as the head of the Development Department of Diocese of Same where he was able to manage the whole range of community development projects and built strong partnerships with European Donor agencies.


Project Officer

Mr. Julius Tarimo

Mr. Tarimo holds a bachelor's degree in economics and statistics from the University of Dodoma (UDOM) in Tanzania. He has diverse experience in the field of research, facilitation and planning, climate change, and gender issues. He provides technical advice and feedback to the Director regarding organizational resources and results obtained to ensure that the decision making process is thorough and proper.



Mrs. Anna Mushi

Mrs. Mushi holds an advanced diploma in Accountancy from Moshi University. She has more than 15 years experience as an accountant, working for hotels, petrol stations, and NGOs.



Ms. Zuhura Tanganyika

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